Scholarships & Grants

Scholarships & Grants
The USJF offers scholarships on many levels. Young and experienced judokas can both benefit from the generosity of many people to engage with Judo competitively and as coaches and mentors.
Apply for a USJF scholarship.
Academic Honors Society
Recognizing students at the elementary, grade, middle and high school level who are excelling at their studies and citizenship.
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George C. Balch Scholarship Fund
To honor George Balch, donations flowed in to the USJF scholarship account in his name. This program has become one of the largest scholarship funding sources in USJF.
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Elizabeth Lee Scholarship
The Elizabeth Lee Scholarship was established by by Mrs. Ernie Nishi and Mr. Noboru Saito to encourage female judoka to attend Joshi Judo Camp and/or to further their training and development in Judo.
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Hayward Nishioka Scholarship
The Hayward Nishioka College to Career Scholarship was established in 2016 by Nancy Washburn to honor Sensei Nishioka’s desire for encouraging judoka college students to promote judo in the future in their chosen career.
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John Osako Referee Fund
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Athlete Scholar of the Year
It is a sincere desire of United States Judo Federation that you continue to open doors to opportunities and to be life-long learners and Champions of Character.
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Fukuda Scholarship
The Keiko Fukuda Judo Scholarship was established by Professor Fukuda to encourage female judoka to continue their formal education and/or to further their training in Judo.
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Tamo Kitaura Referee Development Grant
The grant has been established to provide financial assistance in support of the development and growth of USJF referees.
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Noboru Saito Judo Development Grant
The purpose of the grant is to provide funding and support for worthwhile judo developmental projects which may impact a judo participant’s personal development onwards to include an indirect activity which may impact judo’s growth in North America.
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Joseph J. Fitzsimmons Scholarship Fund
This Scholarship is named after Joseph J. Fitzsimmons, M.D. in honor of the years of service he has provided overseeing USJF events.
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How can I support any of the Scholarship Funds?
You can make a donation of any amount with your annual membership registration. See the membership form.
You can contact Executive Director Robert Fukuda at the USJF National Office to make a gift by check at any time.
- U.S. Mail: United State Judo Federation
P.O. Box 338
Ontario, OR 97914 - Telephone: 541-889-8753
- Make checks payable to: United States Judo Federation
- Make a note in the memo field indicating “donation” and “the name of the scholarship”
You can check whether your employer matches charitable gifts, and if so, see whether your gift to USJF can be matched within your company’s guidelines. (This may involve sending some paperwork from your company’s giving program to the National Office, where the staff will be happy to process it.)
Is my donation tax deductible?
The United States Judo Federation is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.
How are the funds managed?
The scholarship funds are held as part of the USJF Endowment Funds, which means that your gift will not be spent out, but will generate interest that will help to fund scholarships year after year – making a lasting contribution to judo.
Contact: ✉ Robert Fukuda
for further information