USJF Self-Defense Committee
Self-defense, as defined by the United States Judo Federation is
- The ability to recognize a threatening environment
- The ability to resolve or avoid the situation
In the event of a threat that cannot be resolved or avoided, the ability to use techniques derived from Judo training to survive and escape with the least amount of force, in the event that a threat cannot be resolved or avoided.
Many of the martial art programs teach some sort of self-defense course. Judo studies contains a wide variety of techniques that can readily be adapted for use in self defense training and application. These techniques and principles are cataloged in the Katas as well as day to day training in sport Judo. The spectrum of those techniques and their variations ranges from escape, to compliance, to non-lethal, to techniques that could have lethal results. USJF Self Defense Trainers, Teachers, and Assistant Teachers must understand the ramifications of teaching those techniques and be capable of making their students understand the definition of the appropriate amount of force for a given situation
Because self-defense is not a one-time learning event, another aspect of teaching self-defense is the introduction of Judo to the public. Courses first exposes participants to the concepts and practices of self-defense using Judo and can introduce them to further Judo programs that continue with the training so that participants can gain more skill and acumen.
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The Aims of the USJF Self Defense Program
Goals | Objectives | Outcomes |
Train Trainers and Teachers in judo related self defense techniques | Create trainers and teachers who have a base competency in teaching self defense | Trainers and teachers who competently teach self defense based upon the USJF philosophy |
Create teaching materials that the trainers and teachers can use for their own learning and the learning of their students | Provide training and teaching materials that support the Self Defense course |
Create an ongoing Continuing Education Program |
Continually improve on the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors of self defense trainers and teachers. | |
Help increase the population’s knowledge of judo as a martial way | Expose the population to the USJF self defense philosophy | Expand judo exposure to the general populations |
Provide a certification process for Trainers and Teachers certified by the USJF | Create a nationally recognized program for teaching self defense based upon judo techniques | Standardized self defense teaching |
USJF Self Defense Philosophy
Philosophy for Self-defense
The Basic USJF philosophy for self-defense
USJF philosophy for Self Defense works on a progressive tier system that builds from
- Developing skills in recognizing potential adverse situations
- Escape via avoidance of the potential adverse situation
- Verbal and psychological methods to allow for de-escalation and escape
- Self defense using reasonable levels of force for self defense
Each of these levels have separate strategies to first avoid the situation or if that is not possible escape from the situation. The last resort is to use reasonable force against the attacker.
Participants, through appropriate exposure to training, learn to access situations, develop appropriate strategies to avoid an adverse situation and/or deter a potential attacker. In the event that the 1st three steps are ineffective or no time is available to employ those strategies, the participant is introduced to physical skills of self defense.
Steps toward Trainer, Teacher or Assistant Teacher
Reasons for becoming certified
When you become certified in USJF Self-Defense, you will
- Learn well-founded educational concepts for teaching
- Leave with the resources you need to teach a USJF Self-Defense course
- Qualify for insurance coverage specific to USJF Self-Defense
- Learn the legal issues common to self-defense courses and how to avoid unnecessary legal exposure
- Learn the approved techniques of self-defense
- Stay current on self-defense issues and practices
- Help participants build a greater sense of safety and security
- Be able to offer more levels of certification and ongoing learning for your students
- Be an active participant in structuring your Yudanshakai’s self-defense program and committee
Trainer and Teacher Certification Levels
One Trainer and two Self-Defense Teaching certification levels will be recognized:
- Self Defense Trainers are persons holding USJF rank of at least sandan (3rd Degree Black Belt) who have demonstrated the ability to train teachers, programs, and classes in USJF Self-Defense Teacher Certification Program. Persons certified as “Trainers” shall also be deemed to certified “Teachers”
- Self-Defense Teachers are persons holding USJF rank of at least shodan (1st Degree Black Belt) who are interested in and exhibit the ability to teach the USJF Self-Defense Curriculum
- Assistant Self-Defense Teachers are persons holding judo rank of at least nikyu (2nd Degree Brown Belt) who are interested in Teaching Self-Defense classes and programs, and who will only perform services under the supervision of a Certified USJF Self-Defense Teacher.
Criteria for Certification
Definition – Teaching and Training Certification Levels
Title |
Rank |
Responsibilities |
Self-Defense Trainers |
USJF Sandan or higher |
Demonstrate the ability to train and evaluate trainers, teachers, and assistant teachers, lead programs, and teach classes in the USJF Self-Defense Certification Program. Persons certified as “Trainers” shall also be deemed to be certified “Teachers” |
Self-Defense Teachers |
USJF Shodan or higher |
Persons who are interested in and can demonstrate the ability to teach the USJF Self-Defense Curriculum |
Self-Defense Assistant Teachers |
Nikyu or higher |
Persons who are interested in assisting in the teaching of Self-Defense classes and programs, and who will only perform services under the supervision of a Certified USJF Self-Defense Teacher |
General Requirements – Certification
- The certification test program must be sanctioned and have received prior approval from the Yudanshakai Self Defense Committee Chairperson with notification to the Chair of the National Self Defense Committee
- Oral and/or written consensus must be achieved by all three examiners before someone is approved at their level of application
- Consensus must be reached in the following areas:
- Knowledge and understanding of the USJF Self-Defense Philosophy
- Knowledge of and skill in the use of the USJF Self-Defense Techniques. [To be defined in a separate document]. All judoka who wish to be certified shall fill out a Request for Certification applications
- Applicant must successfully complete
- USJF Background Screening Procedures
- First Aid Training
- CPR training
- Safesport
- CDC Heads up
- Current USJF Membership
Note: these items do not count as CEU’s
- Consensus must be reached in the following areas:
- Oral and/or written consensus must be achieved by all three examiners before someone is approved at their level of application
- Appropriate videos must be reviewed and the knowledge assessment passed at the 100% level.
Specific Certification Requirement
- Must hold a minimum USJF Sandan rank
- Attend a sanctioned clinic with 3 or more certified trainers at which time a candidate will be expected to demonstrate their ability to train teachers, lead programs and teach classes in the USJF Self Defense Programs.
- Certified Trainers will conduct a clinic prior to the certification testing.
- Must hold a minimum USJF Shodan rank
- Attend a sanctioned clinic with 3 or more certified trainers at which time a candidate will be expected to demonstrate to their ability to lead programs and teach classes in the USJF Self-Defense Program
- Certified Trainers will conduct a clinic prior to the certification testing.
Assistant Teachers
- Must hold a minimum Nikyu rank
- Attend a sanctioned clinic with 3 or more certified trainers at which time a candidate will be expected to demonstrate a basic knowledge of USJF Self-Defense Program Philosophy and demonstrate techniques learned in the clinic held prior to testing.
- Certified Trainers will conduct a clinic prior to testing
- After attending, demonstrate ability to share that knowledge
New Candidate Fees
- Testing Fee [Suggestion: fees are encouraged to be folded into the registration fee]
- Make check payable to USJF
- Certification Registration Fee (Note: $5.00 from the Certification Registration Fee goes to the participant’s Yudanshakai)
- Trainer $30 for the 2-year certification
- $10.00 per candidate
- Teacher $20 for the 2-year certification
- Assistant Teacher $10 for the 2-year certification
- A summary of certification test results, funds, application forms, and other required materials (i.e. score sheets, one-page essays), and a list of the clinic participants should be submitted to the Yudanshakai chairperson within 30 days. The Yudanshakai Chairperson should check all the paperwork for completeness and submit it to USJF Self-Defense Committee Chairperson within 15 days of the end of the event. National chairperson will check for completeness and submit those candidates that have met all requirements to the National office for their certification to be processed. Certifications will be sent to the Yudanshakai Self-Defense Chairperson for distribution.
- Testing Fee [Suggestion: fees are encouraged to be folded into the registration fee]
Renewal Procedures for Trainers, Teachers, and Assistant Teachers
All certified Self-Defense Trainers, Teachers, or Assistant Teachers must renew their certification as described in detail below:
- All judoka who wish to be recertified shall fill out a Request for Certification applications
- Applicant must successfully complete the following REQUIRED courses (which are not CEU’s):
- USJF Background Screening Procedures
- First Aid Training
- CPR training
- SafeSport
- CDC Heads up
- Current USJF Membership
- Earn 4 approved CEU’s over the two years of your certification or renew at a USJF Self Defense Committee or Yudanshakai Clinic as an attendee.
- Definition of Continuing Educational Units (CEU’s)
- A CEU is defined as additional training in physical safety strategies/interventions, situational awareness training, and/or psychological self-defense techniques
- In the event that a Certification or Participation of Attendance is offered, it is recommended that you keep the documentation as proof of attendance
- Self-Defense CEU’s can consist of educational programs/activities such as:
- USJF Self-Defense Videos
- Trainings courses
- Books, pod casts, etc. on Self-Defense
- Lectures, “TED talks”
- USJF Teaching Program (initial certification and renewals)
- USJF, USJA, or USA Judo Coaching Program (initial certification and renewals)
- Each renewing Self-Defense Trainers, Teachers, or Assistant Teachers must achieve a minimum 4 CEU’s per renewal period
- A single CEU is granted for each 2 hour of learning
- Note: CEU’s will be reported to the Yudanshakai Self-Defense Chair. CEU’s are self reported and it is the responsibility of the individual to maintain a record of the CEU’s and time invested in learning.
- Applicant must successfully complete the following REQUIRED courses (which are not CEU’s):
- Self-Defense Trainers must renew every 2 years. They must have:
- Taught USJF Self-Defense Training/Teaching Programs or Courses of an average of 1 self defense class per year over the 2-year term of their certification. A class at a minimum would constitute direct instruction in the USJF Self-Defense philosophy, practical application of said philosophy to presented scenarios, and/or presentation of and practice in applying techniques. Every 2 hours of instruction counts as 1 CEU. [Note: this is required for all Trainers and will count toward CEU totals].
- Teachers must renew every 2 years.
- Taught USJF Self-Defense Training Programs an average of 1 self defense class per year over the 2-year term of their certification. A class at a minimum would constitute direct instruction in the USJF Self-Defense philosophy, practical application of said philosophy to presented scenarios, and/or presentation of and practice in applying techniques. Every 2 hours of instruction counts as 1 CEU. [Note: this is required for all Teachers and will count toward CEU totals.]
- Earned 3 approved CEU’s within the previous 2 years
- Renew at the current level or certify at the trainer level (if they meet the criteria).
- Self Defense Assistant Teachers must renew every 2 years
- They must have
- Assisted in Helped teaching USJF Self-Defense Programs or Courses for an average of 1 or more courses per year over the 2-year term of the certification
- Earned 3 approved CEUs within the past 2 years
- Certify at the next level if they meet the criteria or re-certify at the current level.
- In the event that Certified Self-Defense Trainers, Teachers, or Assistant Teachers misses their renew deadline
- Their certification will be suspended
- He/she has up to 1 year to complete the required checks and CEU’s.
- If the required checks and CEU’s are not completed they will need to re-certify at the appropriate level.
- They must have
- Taught USJF Self-Defense Training Programs an average of 1 self defense class per year over the 2-year term of their certification. A class at a minimum would constitute direct instruction in the USJF Self-Defense philosophy, practical application of said philosophy to presented scenarios, and/or presentation of and practice in applying techniques. Every 2 hours of instruction counts as 1 CEU. [Note: this is required for all Teachers and will count toward CEU totals.]
Renewal Fees
- Testing Fee [Suggestion: fees are encouraged to be folded into the registration fee]
- $10.00 per candidate
- Make check payable to USJF
- Note: $5.00 from the Certification Registration Fee goes to the participant’s yudanshakai
- Registration Fee
- Trainer $30 for the 2-year certification
- Teacher $20 for the 2-year certification
- Assistant Teacher: $10 for the 2-year certification
- Materials for Submission
- Applicant will submit to their sanctioned host if attending a clinic, or directly to their Yudanshakai Self Defense Chairperson within 30 days from the expiration of their certification or the conclusion of the training workshop the following:
- Certification of the passed video assessment
- Self-Defense Application Forms
- Funds
- USJF Background Screening
- First Aid Training
- CPR training
- Safesport
- CDC Heads up
- Current USJF membership
- Applicant will submit to their sanctioned host if attending a clinic, or directly to their Yudanshakai Self Defense Chairperson within 30 days from the expiration of their certification or the conclusion of the training workshop the following:
- $10.00 per candidate
If a clinic is held, a summary of certification test results funds, application forms, and other required materials and a list of the clinic participants should be submitted to the Yudanshakai chairperson within 30 days of the event. The Yudanshakai Self-Defense Chairperson will check for completeness on all submission whether it be clinic or individual and submit it to USJF Self-Defense Committee Chairperson within 30 days of the clinic or the individuals expiration date. National Chairperson will check for completeness and submit those candidates that have met all requirements to the National office for their certification to be processed. Certification certificates or letters will be sent to the Yudanshakai chairperson for distribution.
Current Instructors
USJF Self Defense Committee Members

Neil Simon
Co Chairperson

John Schaedler
Pacific Northwest
Co Chairperson

Don Flagg

John Floyd

Keith Watanabe

Peter Ocello

Mac Takeda