Development Committee

Development Committee
The Development Committee is comprised of a number of Subcommittees.
The central purpose of the Development committee shall be the establishment of all subcommitte programs and Judo development goals and coordination of programs so as to provide for the most efficient and cost-effecitve possible adminisraiton of USJF athlete development programs, to maximize USJF service to Yudanshakais wishing to utilze such development programs, and to insure, as much as possible, the equitable distribution of USJF devlopment funds for junior an senior development clinics, technical research and for such other purposes as the President shall, from time to time , deem consistent with new and ongoing development goals of USJF.
Development Subcommittees

Jr. and Youth Development Subcommitte
The Junior/Youth Development sub-committee is commited toward the development of youth sports

National Teacher Certification Subcommittee
For nearly 70 years, the USJF National Teachers Institute has been designing and delivering professional instructional courses for the judo community nationwide.

National Coach Certification Subcommittee
The USJF has approved this National certificated program as a means to develop the coaching effectiveness of the grassroots instructor up through to the Olympic/World level coach.

Kata Certification Subcommittee
The purpose of the USJF Kata Development and Certification Subcommittee is to introduce Dr Kano’s Kodokan Kata to everyone including yudanshakai, shiai players, seniors and juniors.

Referee Development and Certification Subcommittee
The USJF Referee Sub-committee and Certification is responsible for recruiting, educating, and supporting referees and assists in the development of certified regional, National, and International referees.

Self Defense Certification Subcommittee
In the event that the threat cannot be resolved or avoided, the ability to use techniques derived from Judo training to survive and escape with the least amount of force