Standards Committee

Standards Committee
The Standards Committee shall seek to maintain high standards of conduct and performance among the members of the USJF in all matters pertaining to Judo, and shall investigate questions of improper conduct and performance by members, including improper promotions or assertions of rank.
The Standards Committee shall seek to maintain high standards of conduct and performance among the members of the USJF in all matters pertaining to Judo, and shall investigate questions of improper conduct and performance by members, including improper promotions or assertions of rank. It shall report its findings and recommendations to the Executive Committee. It shall investigate and report to the Executive Committee any conditions, practice, or abuse by members or non-members rending to mislead, impose upon, or endanger the public or otherwise bringing the USJF or American Judo into disrepute; and with the approval of the Executive Committee, take steps to correct any such condition, practice, or abuse. It is generally preferable that investigation involving possible improper conduct and potential disciplinary action against a member be initiated by the Committee upon the request of the President.
Amateur Standards. The Standards Committee shall seek to maintain and enforce the amateur or eligibility code as applicable to members of the USJF. The Standards Committee shall work in close harmony with other Organizations interested in the amateur status of athletics.
Composition. The Standards Committee shall be composed of at least one member of the Board of Examiners and not less than four other members of the Board of Directors.
Standards Committee Members
Karen Nagai, Chairperson
Roy Englert Jr.
Shufu Yudanshakai
Julie Koyama
Northwest Yudanshakai