Smoothcomp is a tournament software hosted in the cloud that helps you to organize registrations, brackets, clubs, matches, coaches and athletes.
USJF Templates

Users data
User data exists on event registration and federation membership. By default an non-optional first name, last name and email address is requested. But additional options can be activated as well:

Title: Judo Organization Membership
Description: Select One
Type: Options
- USA Judo
Required: Check the Box

Name of Your Event
Date: Sunday, April 28, 2024 – Tournament begins at: 10:00 am
Location: Concord Youth Center, 2241, Galaxy Court, Concord, Contra Costa County, California, 94520
- Open to current paid members in either USJF – USJA – USA Judo.
- Must verify proof of membership with either USJF – USJA – USA Judo; card, letter of confirmation of membership, image or copy.
- Online pre-registration will require image or scanned copy of your federation membership of either USJF, USJA, USA Judo. Submit image of proof in pdf, jpeg, png formats.
- USJF Membership Link
- Open to Male and Females age 5 yrs. old and older.
Registration and Fees
- The online registration fee will be $50 per division.
- Online registration ends at midnight Sunday, April 21, 2024
- No walk-ins and no exceptions.
Weigh-in and Check-in
- Concord Youth Center, 2241, Galaxy Court, Concord, Contra Costa County, California, 94520
- Door will be open for check-in at 8:00 am.
- On the day of the tournament, check-in at the registration table to be entered into the system as present.
- If you do not check-in prior to your posted match time, you may be disqualified.
- Athletes are required to check-in and weigh-in at least one hour before their first scheduled match.
- There will be no satellite weigh-in. All weight check will be done on the day of the event.
- Athletes will weigh-in without the gi.
- Naked weigh-in is NOT permitted.
NOTE: Divisions and weights may be changed or combined at the discretion of the Tournament Committee. Any changes will be discussed with the coaches, competitors, and/or parents.
Chief Referee
- Minobu Shibuya, IJF Referee
- Referees’ meeting will begin at 9:00 am in Room XXXXX. All coaches welcome to attend.
- Referee attire: White polo, gray or dark slacks, dark socks.
- Coaches can “check-in” in at Registration Table between 8:30-9:45 am and show proof of current, USJF, USJA or USA Judo coach’s certification.
- Certified Coaches will be issued a “Coach Bracelet” and will be allowed to sit in coaching chair.
- Gold (1st), Silver (2nd) and Bronze (3rd) place medals will be awarded in each division.
- All medal recipients must be wearing their Judogi and belt when receiving their awards.
Tournament Director/Coordinator
- Dennis Gutridge:
Questions regarding the Event
Tournament Rules Template Download
Tournament Rules
Current IJF Contest Rules Modified as follows:
- Pre 2003 IJF Medical Rule and the CARE system will NOT be used.
- Co-Ed pools may be used with contestants under the age of
- Two ea., 6 meter competition area with 4 meter between mats with 3 meter safety border on edge.
Match Time
- 12 yrs and under: 5 minutes.
- 13 yrs and older and Veteran Division: 3 minutes.
- Black Belts: 4 minutes.
- Unlimited Golden Score.
- Rest periods between in cases of consecutive matches will be equal to the match time.
Elimination System
- True Double Elimination will be used for divisions with 6 or more competitors.
- Round Robin System will be used for divisions with 5 or less competitors. For all Round Robin divisions: the division winners will be determined by (1) most wins; if wins are tied, both contestants will be awarded the same award.
- In brackets of two (2) athletes, best two out of three matches will prevail.
- All contestants must compete at their true age and weight except where the participant is uncontested; the tournament director reserves the right to adjust player pools in the best interest and safety of the contestants.
- Coaches, Instructors & Parents will have an opportunity to review the categories and confirm their child’s/athlete’s suitability for participation.
- The Tournament Committee has the authority to make any changes in combining or separating divisions appropriate for the betterment of the tournament. All competitors, coaches, instructors and parents will be able to view review their competition brackets and confirm the suitability of their child’s/athlete’s participation.
Prohibited Acts
- No double knee drop seoi nage for 12 yrs and under.
- No Shime waza (Chokes) for 12 yrs and under or 60 yrs and older.
- Kansetsu waza (Armbars) only in Black Belt and Veterans Division
Medical Rule
- Medical staff will be allowed to examine injured contestant without disqualification.
- Please verify your student/child has been placed in the correct division.
- Once the pairings are posted and weights are confirmed, you will NOT be eligible for a refund, unless the athlete is “uncontested”.
- If you are coaching, you MUST wear a coach’s badge to be on the mat side.
White Judogi are Mandatory
- Blue Judogis are OPTIONAL if you are on the “Blue” side.
- All competitors are REQUIRED to bring their own blue and white belts for match play. Mark your name on your belts.
- NO belts will be available at the score tables.
Uncontested Division
- Parents/coaches must check the participants list prior to the change division deadline. If the athlete is alone in the bracket, parents/coaches may contact the organizer at to move the athlete up one age division, and/or move to a different weight division.
- Parents may also request to pull the athlete from the tournament and request a refund. Deadline to change divisions is Month, Day, Year at 11.59 pm.. There will be no changes to the brackets/divisions after the above deadline.

- Depending on the number of contestants, the Tournament Director reserves the right to combine or change groups to benefit the majority of the contestants. All contestants must compete at their true age and weight except where the participant is uncontested; the tournament director reserves the right to adjust player pools in the best interest and safety of the contestants.
- Coaches, Instructors & Parents will have an opportunity to review the categories and confirm the athlete’s suitability for participation.
Competition Divisions
Competition will be divided in to both Male & Female Divisions.
- Divisions: White and Yellow Belt – Orange/Green – Blue/Purple – Sr. White – Brown – Black Belts
- Categories are based solely on athlete’s year of birth. Weights are in pounds (lbs.).
- Co-ed brackets may be used with contestants under the age of 10 yrs.
Age Group Weight Divisions
- The weight described below corresponds to the maximum weight allowed in each division. All weights are in pounds.
- Boys & Girls 5 – 6 years old (born 2017-2018): 40 lbs., 44 lbs., 48 lbs., 53 lbs., 53+ lbs.
- Boys & Girls 7 – 8 years old (born 2015-2016): 51 lbs., 59 lbs., 68 lbs., 77 lbs. 77+ lbs.
- Boys & Girls 9-10 years old (born 2013-2014): 57 lbs., 66 lbs., 75 lbs., 84 lbs., 95 lbs., 95+ lbs.
- Boys & Girls 11-12 years old (born 2011-2012): 62 lbs., 68 lbs., 75 lbs., 84 lbs., 92 lbs., 103 lbs., 114 lbs., 114+ lbs.
- Males & Females 13-14 years old (born 2010-2011): 79 lbs., 88 lbs., 97 lbs., 106 lbs., 117 lbs., 128 lbs., 141 lbs., 141+ lbs.
- Males 15-17 years old (born 2007-2009):110 lbs., 121 lbs., 132 lbs., 145 lbs., 167 lbs., 178 lbs., 198 lbs., 198+ lbs.
- Females 15-17 years old (born 2007-2009): 88 lbs., 97 lbs., 106 lbs., 114 lbs., 125 lbs., 139 lbs., 154 lbs., 154+ lbs.
- Males (born 2006 and older): 132 lbs., 145 lbs., 161 lbs., 178 lbs., 198 lbs., 220 lbs., 220+ lbs.
- Females (born 2006 and older): 106 lbs., 114 lbs., 125 lbs., 139 lbs., 154 lbs., 172 lbs., 172+ lbs.
- Male Veteran (35 and older): 132 lbs., 145 lbs., 161 lbs., 178 lbs., 198 lbs., 220 lbs., 220+ lbs.
- Female Veteran (35 and older): 106 lbs., 114 lbs., 125 lbs., 139 lbs., 154 lbs., 172 lbs., 172+ lbs.
Uncontested Athletes
- Parents/coaches must check the participants list prior to the change division deadline.
- If the athlete is alone in the bracket, parents/coaches may contact the organizer at to move the athlete up one age division, and/or move to a different weight division.
- Parents may also request to pull the athlete from the tournament and request a refund.
- Deadline to change divisions is Month Day, Year at 11.59 pm.
- There will be no changes to the brackets/divisions after the above deadline.
Coach Code of Conduct Template Download
Coach Code of Conduct
The code of conduct applies to coaches who have met requirements to obtain a coaching credential at this tournament, who have registered to coach at this tournament, and who are thereby authorized to stay within the competition area and to coach their player(s) from the coach’s chair.
Code of Conduct: Coaches
- Agree to treat referees, tournament officials, other coaches, players, parents and spectators with respect and courtesy.
- Agree to only coach my player(s) from the coach’s chair and not from anywhere else within the competition area during the conduct of a match.
- Agree to remain seated in the coach’s chair during the conduct of a match, and to only coach my player, not the referee or judges.
- Agree not to vocally criticize, berate or argue with the referee or judges, or suggest scores and/or penalties to be assessed during conduct of the match.
- Agree not to use foul or obscene language or gestures, ethnic or racial slurs under any circumstances within the tournament venue.
- Agree not to attempt to physically or verbally intimidate or assault any referee, tournament official, coach, player, parent or spectator.
- Agree to abide by the final decision(s) of the referee, jury, chief referee and tournament director concerning violation(s) of this code and resulting disciplinary action(s) imposed at this tournament.

Event Code of Conduct Template Download
Event Code of Conduct
All Attendees
- I will not engage in unsportsmanlike conduct.
- I will not engage in any behavior which would endanger the health, safety, or well-being of any attendee.
- I will not engage in the use of profanity.
- I will treat any coach, parent, athlete, volunteer, official or any other attendee with respect.
- I will not engage in verbal or physical threats or abuse aimed at any attendee.
- I will not initiate a fight or unauthorized physical contact with any attendee.
- I will obey all facility and organization rules.
- The concluding decision of the officials or event director is final.
- Accept the decision of the officials or event director with respect and grace.
- Be responsible for the sportsmanship of myself and teammates while assisting in maintaining a respectful environment for all participants.
It is agreed that if I fail to conform to the above while attending a USJF event through coaching, officiating, or participating in any capacity, I may be subject to the following disciplinary actions, including but not limited to the below in any order or combination:
- Verbal warning issued by organization/event director.
- Immediate removal from event for the duration of the event
- Removal of coach credentials for the duration of the event
- Suspension of USJF membership, coach certification credentials, or official certification credentials.
Covid Protocol Template Download
Covid Protocol
US Judo Federation Medical Committee
COVID Update 10/2022
Effective immediately, the following shall apply to all USJF Dojos and all USJF events, local and national:
- USJF events will follow jurisdictional COVID-19 guidelines provided by the local/state health department and/or appropriate government entities
- COVID testing is not a requirement from the USJF national office
- Testing may be required at the discretion of the event medical director, depending on local conditions
- International competitors from outside the United States will need to follow COVID-19 testing and other protocols as required by the US State Department/CDC.
- There is no COVID-19 vaccine requirement for athletes, referees, staff, vendors, or spectators. However, COVID-19 vaccines are highly encouraged.
- Masking should follow local/state health department guidelines
- There is no masking requirement from the USJF national office
Symptom Screening:
- Symptoms screening, visitor logs, or temperature checks are not required
- Symptom screening may be performed at the discretion of the head sensei, or event medical director
- Individuals actively experiencing symptoms including fever, cough, sore throat, and fatigue should not practice/participate
- Continue to sanitize/wash hands frequently
- Clean mats and equipment regularly
Returning to Activity after COVID Infection:
- Members who were asymptomatic or had mild symptoms may return to activity on a gradual basis after an appropriate period of isolation. Please visit the CDC website for isolation guidelines:
- Members who require hospitalization or experience new or prolonged cardiopulmonary symptoms should consult with their personal physician BEFORE returning to activity
- If you have any questions or concerns, please consult your personal physician