Pathways toward Success
Fresno Judo Club
USJF Youth Development Model – Pathway toward Success
When your son or daughter participates in Judo through a charter club approved by the United States Judo Federation, they will have quality instruction and a positive experience which will enrich their lives as they grow and mature. Our guided pathways create a highly structured approach to your child’s experiences and success in judo.

Opportunities for Social Integration
The opportunities for successful integration in a physical activity like judo increases confidence, peer acceptance, leadership skill, and empathy. The positive effects of judo go beyond the physical health (wellness) of the participant. Judo is fun and safe. Judo practice incorporates judo games and activities which promote a positive environment with socialization and connectivity among the children, even with physical distancing. The influence of social health can continue throughout their lifetime.

Champions of Character – Citizenship
The development of character is as important as the physical skill of learning to play judo. The sensei (teacher) models the attributes of our Champions of Character. Character traits of humility, respect, perseverance, courage, self-control, friendship and honor are instilled in the judoka (judo student).
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- Humility: The judoka is aware of their weakness, while also being aware of their strengths, without publicizing either to excess.
- Respect: Judokas are taught to bow upon leaving and entering the dojo, to the instructor and toward each other when working together. Bowing signifies the courtesy to each other and recognition of each other. “Judo students learn much of the social etiquette necessary to become solid citizens of the world” (International Judo Federation,
- Perseverance: Judokas are instructed not to give up and keep practicing continually to improve their mental acumen and physical performance. Perseverance is working through a difficult situation and coming through it.
- Courage: Courage is one of the intrinsic values of judo. Speaking of courage leads to considering concepts such as persistence and patience, self-awareness, control of one’s emotions. To have courage requires an opposition to fear, in order to be able to overcome it in action.
- Self-control: The judoka exhibits control over oneself at all times, restrain yourself and remain respectful. Self-control is about being patient, to have power over yourself and your greatest challenges.
- Friendship: Judo friendships last a lifetime. The relationship is based on like-mindedness. Help each other as much as you can and treat everybody as you would treat yourself.
- Honor: Honor consists of moral principles that encourage you to never perform an action that destroys your self-esteem or that of others. The sense of honor involves the feeling of one’s own dignity and reputation. In judo, there can be no honor without respect for others.

Success in other Sports
Participation in judo provides an excellent mechanical and physiologic base for other sports. Judo athletes develop higher levels of muscle mass, greater bone density, upper body strength, trunk extension, flexion, and rotational power. Combining these with above-normal aerobic and anerobic capacity, increased cardiac stroke volume and lower resting heart rate gives the judo athlete an advantage in other sports that emphasize physical speed, coordination, balance and power. Judo athletes score higher than non-judo athletes on standard physical education assessments in shuttle run, sit-up endurance, sit and reach flexibility, and flex arm hang.

Success in School Physical Education
Your child’s progress in judo is measured through a progressive belt rank promotion system which incorporates foundational motor skills as defined by National Physical Educator (SHAPE America) standards used in elementary, middle and high school physical education classes in the United States.
The judo curriculum integrates locomotor and non-locomotor skills, spatial awareness, methods and directions of off-balancing and leveraging, and controlling their training partner or opponent for effective and safe throws, pins, and submissions. It is not an overstatement to say that these skills and capabilities will give your child the superior physical proficiencies that will facilitate athletic and non-athletic activity throughout their lives.

Elite Judo Competition
As your child builds their judo skill set, along with the child’s goals developed in parents’ discussions with their sensei or coach, you will have the opportunity to participate in local, regional and national competition. The premier summer event, USJF Junior National Judo Championships, has been held every year since 1964. Many of our World and Olympic champions had their start at this National Championship.