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With the advent of the Internet, it is easy to find newspaper articles on judokas, your dojo, your Yudanshakai, college, Armed Services, etc.

There are two sites that I know of, that have newspapers articles that they have scan many newspapers across the US and other countries. They are newspapers and newspaperarchive. Both have a subscription rate and a free period.

At newspaperarchives.com you can search the Pacific and European Edition of the Stars and Stripes (military newspaper for troops stationed overseas).

Some advice on searching, because of the different typefaces (font) sometimes you will get “judge” or “judd” for “judo”. Searching for judo before 1945 is a hit and miss. Many journalist, prior to 1945, may have used the following terms for judo:

    Ju Jitsu
    Jiu Jitsu

You can save most of the articles in PDF format. Because of the different physical size of the newspapers. You may have to enlarge the text to be able to read the article. We have taken various pages of a newspaper to an office supply outlet and had the document printed on 11” X 17” pages. We have framed some of these newspaper and presented them to various personnel.

Some of them are still copyrighted, so you have to conform to their rules on reproduction of that newspaper article.

Your USJF Archivist Committee (Jerry Hays, Connie Halporn, Heidi Moore, Dale Sweet, Jim Hrbek and Steve Brown) has amassed over 8,000 newspapers articles.

Also, during the 1950s and 1960s, some of the article on “judo” related to professional wrestling. The newspaper during that period reported on the professional wrestling matches and mentioned the use of “judo chop”.

Prior to the Internet, it was very likely that a story that ran in one newspaper, appeared in another newspaper several thousand miles apart.