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When Colleges Abandon Phys Ed, What Else Is Lost? is an article on the fact that colleges are cutting back on physical education and a growing body of research suggests that regular physical activity helps cognitive development, so people can focus and process information faster, and even remember things more easily.

Hayward Nishioka stands looking for signs of a transformation he has seen in scores of judo students at LACC. Most had almost no physical education leading up to college, he says, speculating that if they had known what his judo course entailed, they would have quit. Now, midway through the semester, he sees grit. “By the time they get out of here, they’ll be different people,” says Mr. Nishioka, a professor emeritus of physical education at LACC.

The ” target=”_blank”>article looks at Hayward Nisioka, Bradley J. Cardinal and Darla M. Castelli physical activity should be integrated into education, each with their own view.