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Our recorded Live Webinar is exactly what it sounds like! We rebroadcast our live webinar.  Join us and have all the benefits of a live webinar.

Webinars—a combination of the words “web” and “seminar”—are live video conferences that are held and attended on the web. In a webinar, the host or speaker is connected to a variety of viewers regardless of location, whether they’re located across town or on the other side of the country.


Webinar Resources

kevin tamai

Interview with Robert Brink, 7th Dan

January 23, 2022

Sensei Robert Brink – 50th State Yudanshakai

United States Judo Federation Webinar Series Interview with Sensei Robert Brink Former: USJF President, Board of Examiners – Chair, Hall of Fame inductee, and  author of the USJF Endowment Trust.

Mr. Brink will talk about not only his development as a judoka, but the key roles he played in forming the United States Judo Inc. (USA Judo) and the small role in assisting Ms. Rusty Kanokogi getting women in the Olympic Gamess.

"Scavenger Hunt with Judo in Mind"

September 12, 2021

Sensei John Schaedler – Budokan Dojo

President of the Budokan Dojo in Seattle, Washington.

Since everyone was stuck at home, the home had to supply the training items or “partners”.

Sensei Schaedler will share fun ideas for using props found in every home, and how they actually help with learning and refining the techniques the students were focusing on.

kevin tamai

“Developing Good Judoka”

August 29, 2021

Sensei Kevin Tamai – Hui-O-Judo Club 

Sensei Kevin Tamai, head sensei of Hui-O-Judo Beltsville in Beltsville Maryland, is the oldest son of Ken Tamai, the first USJF lifetime achievement honoree. Kevin is currently a Rokudan and Life member in both USJF and USA Judo with over 50 years of judo experience. 

Kevin has been on the mat since he could crawl. He and his family run most of the events for Shufu Yudanshakai. Hui-O-Judo was the 3rd club in USJF to receive the 5 Star of Excellence Recognition. Kevin will share some of what his club has done to help develop a good judoka. He will share his philosophy and teaching methods used in developing the judoka into an all-around good person. 

kevin tamai

“Story of a Successful Dojo”

July 11, 2021

Sensei Roy Kawaji – Portland Judo

Roy guided his USJF club to be the largest in the country in record time.  He will share his approach to teaching and to judo, and how he attracts and retains members.

Sensei Kawaji’s guidance promises to be an indispensable link in your own dojo’s success story.

kevin tamai

"Business of Judo" Part 2

April 18,  2021

Sensei Grace Talusan – Kokushi Midwest Judo

Series 2 continues with her discussion of the all-important Business Plan – what it is, how to use it, and how to create your own playbook for success. She will talk about the practical ways to navigate your way to success, including funding, day to day business operations, and ways to compete successfully within your community.

kevin tamai

"Business of Judo" Part 3

May 23, 2021

Sensei Grace Talusan – Kokushi Midwest Judo

Part 3: In session I will focus on building out your dojo, looking over your lease, complying with local ordinances, the necessary equipment needed for judo and going through the checklist of what you need to operate a business. You need more than mats, a judogi and a pair of flip flops.