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Here is an opportunity for judo players who are graduating from High School to apply for college scholarship assistance. Since its existence the George Balch Scholarship program has helped a number of young people with college expenses. Applicants must be planning on going into the field of education and must remain active in the USJF organization.

Please apply through the USJF National Office.

The scholarships are based upon the earnings from the contributions that are received. At this time $55,744.40 is in the fund from donations and interest earnings. Our goal for 2010 is to reach $58,000.0. We are almost there.
Scholarship awards have been from $300-$500 per year. The past recipients have been very worthy and have contributed back to judo with their time and talent. This will be the judo leadership of the future.
We welcome contributions to help maintain the program and look forward to its growth so that even more students may be assisted. Contributions should be sent to the USJF National office and earmarked specifically towards the George Balch Scholarship fund.
Look your year end giving plan over and see if you can be a part of this program. It is just one more way in which you can make quality judo live on.

Jim Cornforth
Chair, GCB Committee
November 2010